Woke up so early today, went for breakfast at Double Luck and after that went straight to Financial Park. I thought that we were going to be early, but then the hospital people were already there! and everything was already set up. I went to fill up the form to donate and when i went over to check my blood pressure, the nurse said that my blood pressure was low and that i couldn't donate! I was so dissapointed but i was determined that i wanted to donate today... so i went around looking at people donating, getting all excited. After an hour or so, i went back to see if my blood pressure would allow me to donate, and for the second time, they said that it was still low. Darn......
But after much determination, i went back for the 3rd time and my pressure was just right, so went straight to the bed and started with the whole thing, needle and blood oozing out of my veins!!
Todays blood donation campaign collected about 83 pints of blood...which was a good responds...and everything ended about 12.30 in the afternoon.
Later in the evening, went swimming with Hsei Di and Hsei Ann, and did a good swim today, about 30 laps....did some 15 laps before they arrived, and was kinda tired after that, the water was so hot and my body felt so hot.......Am I HOT??hahah..just kidding!
well, that was my day, not too boring lar....at least i achieved something!