This whole week has been a busy one..
Sunday was the first day of Chinese New Year, went to my cousin June's place where most my relatives on my mum side were there. Came back to Jacqui's place and my uncle Raymond decided to go up to Genting to gamble, so 5 of them went up and only came down for dinner. Uncle Raymond came down with smiles from ear to know what i mean...*wink
Swam with my cousin Rica and my niece (seen in the previous pictures), had fun playing in the water with them. At night it was gambling time again..this time i lost big time...and immediately stop!!!!
Second day(Monday) - woke up relaxed with nothing to do. Szue Fei called and asked her to go to her house. So we decided to go since we have nothing to do. Before leaving, i joined Jacqui and Lars on their morning walk. Was really tired after that..see how unfit i am?? pitiful....
So we went back to Szue Fei's place (we all packed already). We had Pizza and Indian food for lunch seen there was nothing in the fridge! They started to gamble again, but i didnt want to anymore so i headed upstairs to my beloved lappie...
Third day(Tuesday) - Templer's Park was our destination. My 2 ee's place and we had fun there...My sister and I brought Jia wen to play at the waterfall/ stream at the back of my aunties place. She had so much fun there...Spent about an hour or more there and when it was time to get up..she didnt want to...but since the water was so cold, it was that good to stay too long in the cold water. Came up to my aunties place, and there was another gambling session going on.. Talk about Chinese New Year and Gamling.......
Fourth day(Wednesday) - No one to visit. So all of us headed to MegaMall. Dad wanted to buy his golf shoe, i wanted to buy a pair of new sneakers and a new pair of sandals(my Timberland sandals got stolen last week, damn heartache). So spent about 5 hours there and then headed home. I was happy with what i got, 2 pairs of footwear! Thanks Dad...
Fifth day(Thursday) - In the evening, my Uncle Raymond had an open house at his place in Shah Alam. He had called the Lion dance troupe to come perform for all his guest. It was a nice performance, both lion were good and quite entertaining. Although we thought that the clown that carries the fan was rather cheeky "gatal", kept shaking hands with the girls! hahahaha..
Sixth day(Friday) - Szue Fei, Shien Wei and Jia Wen left Nilai for Malacca to visit Shien Wei's family. They will only come back on Sunday. My parents and I just relaxed at home, chill and stuff...
Seventh day(Saturday-today) - Sent my parents to KLIA. Drove them there in the manual Kelisa. I havent driven a manual car in about 1 and half year, after passing my driving license. Both my parents car in Labuan are automatic. So kinda lost touch already...You must think its pathetic but its true...sad aint it?? But i manage to pull through... Tak mati engine....So i'm quite happy with myself....I can proudly say, i can drive a manual car although i would prefer a automatic one!!!tsktsk tsk
Eighth day(Sunday) - yet to come...stay tune...............
It is such a drag that i have to start class on monday. It will be one hectic week and i really hope that things will calm down and things will be more relaxed. The week that we start class, test and quizes fill up the week and i haven't started studying on anything. Have been having to much of fun and getting very worried already....but dont seem to do anything about it! ARGH..someone help me quick!!!!!!!
I think thats about it...I'll be all alone for today and hope to get some work done!!!! So.....GONG XI FA CAI...have fun with the 8 days left of the Chinese New Year!!! Continue to collect those red packets, enjoy!!!!!!