and I'm on my very short
2 weeks holiday!
I can't believe it is over....never in my life that i have been so relieved that an exam is all over...I was even on the edge of tearing...After my last paper, Chemistry, the sigh of relief from everyone in my class was just overwhelming. I guess this semester was really stressful. My classmate just started shouting here and there cuz we were just too happy...
Right after the exam ( 7.00pm), we headed towards Klang for seafood again... All 10 of us cramp into Xin Me's Estima. It was a fun ride there but everyone was so tired. Thinking that we would have a total blast....everyone was too tired, no appetite!!! After dinner, Bee Suan brought us for Mamak again... hahah...well...even though we were all tired, it was still fun..
Reached home only at about 2.30am and totally needed some rest cuz my sis told me that we were leaving the house at 8.30 in the morning... didnt really sleep well, i guess i was just too tired.
Today i was out the whole day!!! One Utama the whole day, walked and walked until my leg also wanna come off already!!!! After that, went to Jacqui's place to rest awhile and then headed to dinner again... Dinner at the steak house was GOOD!! Yummy food and i ate until there was no more room left to fit even a single thing...even now, as i am typing this....i'm still so full and so so so so so so so so SLEEPY!!!!!
I think i better stop now and go to bed...i'll write more about my exams later...or maybe not, since it is already over right??:P