Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year
May the year 2008 bring you guys love and lots of happiness!!! hugs and kisses all of you and have a wonderful holiday!!!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
My 2 nights stay in Barcelona was a fun and tiring one!! walked non-stop to as many places as possible in a single day!!!
We managed to go many famous places in Barcelona like the beach and some of the famous architectures. We first went to this place called the Park Güell. It is a 18 ha wide garden complex with architectural elements situated on the hill of el Carmel in the Gràcia district of Barcelona. It was designed by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí and built in the years 1900 to 1914. Most of the designs are like mosaic tiles, so very colourful and vibrant. According to wikipedia, its part of UNESCO's world heritage site!
Plaza Catalunya was one of the first place we went cuz it was the centre of everything. we arrived at night and it was the place where we had our first dinner...althought it was McD's it was a total different experience cuz everything is in Spanish! and the Big Mac is so tiny! no wonder Spanish girls are so thin and sexy! was a place where all the high fashion designer brands were, like gucci and things like that...too expensive for me so all we did was window shop! walked around before heading to our hostel!
The next day, we went to a few other places like the Parc De L'espanya Industrial, FC Barcelona (which was closed cuz we didnt get to go in), Magic fountain(which was not magical at all),La Catedral, Monument A Colom and other which the names are just a pain to remember! the architecture there are very nice and makes you feel that it is a very beautiful country eventhough it is a little dirty. With dog shits everywhere, it is a little difficult to walk freely and to be in the moment where you think you are back in time in history!!
We also went to the beach, Barceloneta. Being the winter, no one dared to go near the water so we just took pictures by the beach and it was fun and COLD! the wind was so windy that people were surfing!!! FREAKS i'd say being that the water is SOOO COLD!!!!! it would have been fun if it was the summer and having a sun-bathing session on the beach...or just lying there looking at all the HOT AMAZINGLY GOOD LOOKING GUYS!! DRooollllssss
We too the Metro train everywhere we went because most of the attractions were all metro-assessible! which makes things a lot easier...but i dont think that i have gone on the the metro so many times in a day!!! in and out of the metro like 10 times?? madness....and some thing bad happened in the train!!! I was almost pick-pocketed.... i guess I was picked pocketed but my friend manage to snatch the wallet back from that B***H!! was a girl and her guy friends who tried to distract me!! they said i stepped on one of the guys shoe and he made a big deal out of it! and while i was being distracted, the girl put her hands into my bag and picked my wallet out!! it all happened so fast, even when my friend took tried to tell me that what was really happening, it didnt register!! DAMN!! After the whole incident, i really was so shocked that I couldn't do or say anything!! You'd always think that this kinda thing will only happen to others but not you. and when it happens to you, it is all unexpected and you are really caught in the moment!!! Thanks Lenz, for acting quickly!! if wallet with MONEy all GONE!!!! GRATEFUL!!
Overall it was a good holiday despite something bad almost happened. It was really a lot of fun being with friends and being a crazy bunch it made it all so much more memorable! I would love to go back there again to go see more things that i didnt manage to see this time, just have to remember to keep things safe and beware of pick-pockets!! Start saving now to go on more holidays!!!
Till then Cheers!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
WOW!!! Bahaikipedia <------- CLICK IT!!!
Now I've got some exploring to do!!!
Waitering at an event held by Hardwick Hall Hotel, in the county Durham... It was my first job as a waitress so i didnt know what to expect. The hotel was desperate for people and they said training was not required. So most of us went there without knowing what to expect.
Overall, the experience was a good one, eventhough the plates were huge and heavy!! the best part of it was that the pay was wonderful!!! carrying those heavy plates was totally worth it for the amount of we worked for!!!
We came back exhausted and hungry at about 3 in the morning and everyone just plopped into bed and dreamt away!!!
Working again this weekend, both Friday and Saturday!!! which is good, cuz then the money earned will be spent on holiday which starts next week!!! WOOTTT
IF you guys dont already know, I"ll be going to Barcelona and London for this Christmas Break!! yay!!! Can't wait to just chill and get over this stressful week of due dates!!!
Take care you guys!!! to those who are on holiday, have a good one!!! CHEERS
I miss his laughter and playing with him....he's thighs are the cutest things....makes you wanna bite him!!!!!!
see......doesnt his laughter just make you wanna squeeze him??? More updates on him, go to my sister's blog!!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Wish ME LUCK!!!
saw this on Nur'i's blog, and totally put a smile on my face!!! pass it around and make someone happy NOW!!!!
Craving for a BIG TIGHT WARM HUG NOW!!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So yeah....I've been here for more than 2 months now and time just flew by like that! In less than 3 weeks, I'll be on my Christmas break for 3 weeks!! So fast!!! I really can't imagine the life after the holiday because i know that it is going to be so packed!!! getting done with the final year project and stuff like that!!! and with the studying!!! I think my brain will start to explode just by thinking of the amount of things i'll have to cramp into my tiny brain!! argh!!!
Talking about holidays.....My holiday this time around would be fun!! GOING TO BARCELONA!!!!! woot!! isnt it cool or what??? Dont really know what to expect out of our 2 nights there but if you guys know anything that we can do there in such a short time, please do give suggestions!! places to go and things like that would really help us!!
After coming back from Barcelona, I'll be heading down to London for about 10 days...meeting up with my cousin and my dad's cousin!! It would be cool to be in London for Christmas and New Year!!! Can't wait.....but for now..its all about the report dateline!! have to settle with those before i can start thinking of partying!!!
Studies has been alright....still really coping..theres a lot of new things to learn and i'm taking it in as fast as i can!!! Someone please help me..i know it is going to be a tough year but i know if i put my heart into it...i'll do fine!! right right??
The life here has been quite alright....have i settled in, you might ask?? yes, i guess so...getting used to the weird weather here which is hard to predict and this is the first time where i have a weather forecast on my laptop and it is updated every now and then!!! I miss being back in Malaysia and not having to think of what to wear because of the weather...over here..i'll have to check the weather forecast and then pick a jacket....this jacket for days which are not so cold, jacket for days which are colder, and jacket for days that is unbearably cold!! When i was back in malaysia, you always think of how nice to experience cold, get to wear all those nice thick furry jackets, but when you come here and have to where it really becomes a burden...not say real burden...but just very troublesome la!! Go out from the room, wear jacket, reach class..take it off....change building, have to put on the layers again!!! even wanting to go to the next block i have to bundle up!! madness lar...Back home...wear shorts everywhere is the best!!!
One thing nice about the cold, is that you dont sweat and you dont get sticky by the end of the day! which is good for someone like me who swears like a broken pipe! Without sweating, clothes doesnt have to be washed as often as when i was back home....when i was in Inti, everytime i walked back from college, Id be drenched in sweat and the shirt that i wore would immediately go into the laundry basket...
But i know sweating is good, gets rid of the toxins in the body.....sooo...i have decided to join the sport centre. 20GBP for one whole year....swimming pool, gym and courts!! yeah...gone swimming twice and it was great! missed the water so much!! but realized that my stamina sucks big time!! remember when i was training to be a lifeguard, my stamina was satisfactory, now its down the drain!! So my mission is to build back that stamina i lost with the lack of swim after my lifeguard exams!!
OH snowed last week!!! just for about 10 minutes before the sun came out!! and it was nice to see snow!!! its not my first time ( first was in beijing), but it was refreshing feeling to see snow (although i know its wet)... but since then, the temperature hasnt been that cold for it to snow again so i guess we'll have to wait till the next time it snows again...
i guess i better get back to you know time means i have not much time till my next dateline!! crap!!!
Till then...hugs and kisses everyone!!!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Birthday of Baha'u'llah
Today I went over to Durham to celebrate the Birth of Baha'u'llah. Took the bus to Chester-le-street to meet up with Fereshteh to go together to Durham.
The gathering was a fun one, meeting the youth and meeting new people is always a refreshing thing. The programme was really nice, with a play and poetry reading, songs and games. A story of Baha'u'llah was told, a story that spoke about His greatness.
Food after the programme ended was good, persian food is always good!!! yummy!! Dessert were mouth-watering..chocolate pudding!!!!! :P
I really enjoyed myself and was glad that I decided to go. At first I wasn't sure if I was going since I had unfinished assignments, but decided to go since I was already stuck with it and thought that I won't get much work done either in the afternoon. Took pictures but the hall was dark and the pictures are lousy so i wont bother putting it up here....
Here's a prayer by Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i Faith
Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a tranquil conscience within me, O my Hope! Through the spirit of power confirm Thou me in Thy Cause, O my Best-Beloved, and by the light of Thy glory reveal unto me Thy path, O Thou the Goal of my desire! Through the power of Thy transcendent might lift me up unto the heaven of Thy holiness, O Source of my being, and by the breezes of Thine eternity gladden me, O Thou Who art my God! Let Thine everlasting melodies breathe tranquility on me, O my Companion, and let the riches of Thine ancient countenance deliver me from all except Thee, O my Master, and let the tidings of the revelation of Thine incorruptible Essence bring me joy, O Thou Who art the most manifest of the manifest and the most hidden of the hidden!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
You now know that I went to Harry Potter Castle (see previous post for pictures). It was fun to go somewhere new! The night before going to the castle, Chee Cheong and I went down to Newcastle to hang out with Lenz, Stella and Elvin (since we already had to be there in the morning to catch the bus). Went there at around 10pm since it was a last minute decision. When we reached there, we gathered a few others to go hang out at night! Clubbing time!!! I haven't club since i got here, and since the clubbing queen, Lenz is here....i got kaki already! wakakakka...We went to this club called HUCCI (dont really like the name), and it was a very nice club, not too many people (maybe not too popular), and the best thing about it was that no smoking means to smelling clothings, hair and undergarments!!! WOOT! It was fun, dragging Elvin, Chee Cheong to the dance floor was a sight to see!!!! Stella got her groove on and now she wants to club more!!!! Lenz is not controlling her!! ahahahah.....CLubbed till we were too hungry to dance anymore, so we left to find FOOD.....we found this shop which was still opened at 2.30am and we ordered chips!!!! YUMMY CHIPS!!!!!!! CHips with Cheeze and is to die for!!
Got back, showered and plopped on the bed to dreamland....woke up like a few hours later by Xin Me's call, she had arrived with Dai Lou for the castle trip. Got ready like in 1o minutes and headed to the bus station!!!
The ride took us like 1 hour and 45 minutes, and we were got there it started to drizzle. Good thing was that the drizzle stopped. The castle is huge with different parts (which castle only has one part). The castle is open to the public during the summer and closes in the winter for the owners to stay. There are a few museums in the castle and it interesting to see the history of the castle, eventhough i can't remember it all.....history and like oil and milk.
The scenery of the castle is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! sheeps on fields everywhere!!! so peaceful and nice! The castle also had a garden which was also very beautiful and modern! They had a maze and a garden with different water features (please see the pics)!! they also have poison garden with different types of plants that has toxic that can kill or toxic that has been used in medicinal preparations. The garden partitioned to many parts with different themes, so it takes a while to complete the whole garden.
Overall, it was a very refreshing and fun trip!!!
Other than that, things are getting very busy. Assignments are catching up. Lab reports are coming in faster than you can say you're done! Trying very hard to move my LAZYBUM to work!!!!!
The weather here has changed since I last came. It starts to get dark at around 4pm and it is SOOO windy! Around 5pm, you think its already 8pm....makes you feel that the day is shorter and you have no time to do anything! and ITS SOOO WINDY......i think i need to go buy another jacket!!!!!! you feel the wind is going to blow you away! I'm heavy and already i feel like the wind is going sweep me off my feet, i wonder how those skinny girls stay grounded!!! hahahahahah
I'll continue this update soon okay? I'm getting tired and I have a lab tomorrow!!! I hate the lab stinks (it stinks so much that my lab coat stinks) and I have to stand for 3 hours! or more on project day!!!!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Hogwart's School of Witch and Wizardry
The links below are my albums on Facebook of my trip to Alnwick Castle. This castle is made famous by a few movies, but the most important of all is Harry Potter!! Remember the scene in Harry Potter: the Philosopher's Stone, where Harry and his friends learn how to use the broom to fly?? That scene was taken in the bailey's of the castle!!!
So click and enjoy the pictures!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Trip to Newcastle
Walked over to the metro station, hoping that the train was coming soon. BUT as I was walking towards the train station, I heard the train coming...DAMN i won't be able to catch this one, even though I ran like a cheetah. So I slowed down my pace, bought the ticket and waited. I knew it was going to be at least a 20 minutes wait.
Arrived Newcastle about 7pm, which was early because I was thinking that I might be late. Actually being there at 7 was just nice, walked to the Baha'i Centre without rushing...
It was a nice short gathering with prayers and a story about the Bab, being that we were there to celebrate the Birth of the Bab. It was a very nice get together, meeting new people and seeing those I met during the youth gathering 2 weeks back.
After some chit chat and refreshments, I walked to Northumbria Uni, to meet up with Lenzja and Stella. It was nice to find out that one of the guy, Daniel lives in the same block as Stella. What a coincidence.
Got Elvin to accompany Lenz and I to hang out. Seeing Newcastle at night, how happening it was made me wanna kick Elvin in the butt for bringing us to some Chicken place to eat, rather than bringing us to some club to party! We were walking past one club and the music was really good. Lenz and I both looked like mad desperate clubbers walking past a club.....We were both craving for the music to seep into our brains.....but it didnt happen that night....
The next day, had lunch with Stella. She cooked porridge, which I haven't had the chance of eating since I came here. So it was really refreshing to have some. Headed out to town again with Lenz and Elvin, for some sightseeing. Went to the Millenium Bridge and this time, they had some exhibition going on, Dott 07 festival at the Baltic Square, which is just next to the bridge. The Exhibition was about how designs can help sustainability. So its was very interesting. Things there were we drew and brought home freebies, which is always a good thing...
After spending time around the area, headed back to Lenz room and then to the metro station back to Sunderland. Reached home to a very wonderful dinner, Roasted chicken with chips and Salad.... YYUUUMMM
It was a good weekend overall, until now when i have to start working on lab reports!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy Birthday DAI LOU!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
There is a Virus going around
I'm not sure how to clear it, but i think my friends are trying to see whether uninstalling and installing MSN would work....
So far, the virus causes your msn to stop working....but it keep on sending the "images" file!!
REMEMBER..Dont accept the FILE!!!!! ITS A VIRUS!!!
Museum and Winter Gardens
Murray Library...on the way to the park
The girls
Chee Cheong wanna blow up the girls...he has had enough of us messing with him
Dick and I
Being ladies
Playing chess or hide and seek?
Xin Me, Me and Wen Ying
Being a KID
See....we love to torture Chee Cheong
Lovely flowers....
Beautiful Garden
Some drunken kids wanting to take pictures with us!
In front of the winter garden
Reminds me of back home
Kisses to all of ya!
Planning to go steal the banana
Looking up!
Since its a port, there were a lot of ship models in the sunderland museum
Animal Kingdom
Showing different era of things!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Update on ME
I made a few post since I came but never really on how I am coping with the new environment...
WELL, to start...I am no longer doing Pharmacology but now I'm doing Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science...Dont ask why....cuz ITS A LLLLOOONNGGGG SSSTTTOOORRY!!!! So, yeah! Classes started on the 24th...that was about 3 weeks ago. So far, its tough but trying my best to cope. Lecturers are very nice and are very helpful. There are a lot of things to learn, new equipment to familiarize with. Things that are alien to me, I must get to know them as quickly as possible! Their laboratory are well equiped and makes you think that the things that I was using back home is soo OUT-OF-DATE! If we dont understand, the lecturers are more than pleased to help you. With them being so nice, it makes me less worried (note the word "less") about my final year.
Speaking of final year, today I started with my final year project! Whats is it? PRE-FORMULATION STUDIES OF SOME NEW ANTI-PSORIATIC AGENTS. Understand? To simplify it, its just to test certain compounds that may help in psoriasis. Understand? Well, you guys dont have to understand it if you dont, cuz you guys are not the one who is going to do it..I know I am... So far, the project is coming on fine...managed to do something today although we had to stop due to some machine that was not working too well.. So...will continue only next week!
Other than studies wise, things are fine. Weather today is just nice. Didn't even have to wear a jacket out. But the weather here is notoriously horrible, its very unpredicatable! Today cold, tomorrow just nice!!
Tonight, suppose to be going to the Malaysian Night, but didnt manage to get tickets (sold out) so instead, we are going to a play tonight at the Sunderland Empire Theater! Manage to get free tickets (being Uni of Sunderland students), so we are going to watch this show "Carmen".
Anyway, going to cook now.....the chicken is in the oven...yummy yummy!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
There is a THIEF among us!
I'm really pissed off....
and on top of that, someone was having a party down and the kitchen last night and messed up the whole place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the floors are so sticky, the rubbish overflowing, the tables are all messed up....and or eggs are missing!!!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The Amazing Race Asia 2

my cousin is the one stading second from left and her team mate is the one next her
Because my cousin, Ann will be on it!!! Ain't it cool?? It would be nice being back home and rooting for her...but i can' i'm cheering on her all the way from UK!!!! Go Dancing mums (as they are known)!!!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Baha'i Youth Gathering, Newcastle Baha'i Centre
My niece starting young..

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Things I bought last Friday
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Firs Nineteen Day Feast in the UK
Fereshteh had to go pick some other Bahai's up, who were also students around this region. There was Sara from Portugal and a couple from Iran, Maryam and Fenon.
We then headed to Fereshteh's brother's house where the feast was at and met up with the other Bahai's. Kamran (I'm not sure if i got the name right), the host of the night was really hospitable and made us feel at home. We, the newbies had to introduce ourselves and tell a little bit of where we came from. After prayers and discussion, socializing with the others was fun and manage to get to know some of the people there.
I forgot to take pictures of the night until we were about to leave, so no pics this time. But i'll definitely take pictures next week when i go down to Newcastle for the youth gathering!! Looking forward to meeting up with all the other people from around this region.
till the next post, enjoy the remaining weekend, HAVE FUN!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy Autumn Festival!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Day Trip to Newcastle Upon Tyne
The journey took about 20 minutes and we were already in Newcastle. Eventhough being only 20 minutes away, both places are so different! Newcastle is full of people and its so busy, whereas in Sunderland, its so quiet and you dont see as much people going around as you see in Newcastle.
Met up with classmates from Inti College who are studying in Northumbria University. They took us around the town. The main attraction in Newcastle (which they knew) was the Millennium Bridge. We went there to take pictures, and since it was near The Sage(theatre hall), we too went there to take picture. I found out that tickets to The Nutcracker(the ballet musical) is only about 12 pounds, which is not too bad. After conversion, its about RM100, which is WORTH it!!! I made a promise to myself to go to musicals while i'm here.
After spending about a couple ours that area, we decided to go to China Town, which is not that impressive. It was just a street with chinese shops and restaurants and things are not cheap! We thought of eating there, but 5-6 pounds for a plate of rice is something to consider! So we went to KFC!! Which was only half the price!!
After dinner, we went back to the bridge to take more pictures since the lights were turned on! A whole different scenery. Clubs were now open and you can see everyone dressed up ready to party! The view was nice and the weather was great! It wasn't cold or anything, so we sat on the bridge taking pictures for awhile!
Started to walk back to the train station after that. We were all so tired that while it the train, it was so quiet compared to the journey to Newcastle that morning! A whole total contrast. We walked for about 12 hours, I'm sure that would cover at least 3 days of exercise eh? Hahaha!
Got back "home", showered and everyone konked out!
Anyway. Enjoy the pictures below!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Pictures of Our Day Trip to Newcastle
Millennium Bridge!
The Girls
Retractable bridge
Group pic...Xin Me and Thong missing because they are behind the camera
Solar-powered parking machine
Man on pole kissing DSCAU Sept '05
Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Cam whoring
Walking on the bridge
Night ViewVandalised train station
Long escalator