Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The end of a weekend
both saturday and sunday was spent in college finishing up all the homework...Doing work with friends is nice as we were able to discuss and hence finishing up things a lot faster.
On saturday night, went yam cha with friends at about 12 midnight after a hard days work....hung around until 4 in the morning..was watching football match at the mamak shop..not me watching lar, LENZ was crazy over man U and the rest of us were just chatting away....IT was really relaxing after 7 hours of work? only stopping for dinner!!!
happy with this weekend cuz i manage to get things done!! and i really hope i can relax a little bit more this week!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Internet in College
I'm with my friends at Pasteur Hall of Residence (college hostel) doing our Lab reports and journal.
Now the college, or should i say university college :P, has free wireless connection in certain area of the college! Its great!! Damn canggih right?? hahahaha...some of you might just go....yeah whatever....but its a great achievement for INTI because the internet connection on campus has always been an issues for those on campus!!!
Anyway, better get back to work now...Have GREAT weekend!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
This weekend, i'm ready to rest and work!!! Balancing both would be tough but i must do it!!! Because if i dont get enough rest this weekend...i know that i'll be sick...i can feel it coming already!
I think i'll sleep early today, wake up early tomorrow and start a fresh day!!!
and oh ya....i made new specs today cuz my specs broke yesterday...so i've got a new look!!!
Things to do this weekend:
---> I need to finished up everything this weekend so that i can have a better week next week... Need the extra time to study for the test coming in 2 weeks time!!!
I need some rest now....and dream about that hunk that i'm totally drooling over!! I saw him again today!!!
He smiled, I fainted!
and to say that He's the most good-looking guy on campus ( some might like to differ), he should be flattered!!
Today was the second time he smiled at me, and for the second time, all that i could do was to smile back, with my weak knees! He smile....ooooooooh.....makes my heart melt.
The thing is, i dont know his name, what course he's taking.....I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!! I wonder if he realise that i've been looking, staring at him!!!!
How much of a chinese am I?
[x] You sing karaoke.
[x] You've worn glasses ever since youwere in fifth grade.
[ ] You'll haggle over something that is not negotiable.
[ ] You are a math genius.
Total: 2
[x] You sometimes take showers at night.
[x] You avoid the non-free snacks inhotel rooms.
[x] You say "aiyah" and "wah"frequently.
[x] You save grocery bags.
[x] You twirl your pen around yourfingers.
Total: 5
[x] You have been taught that wasting food is a sin.
[x] Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself.
[ ] You beat eggs with chopsticks.
[ ] You like congee with thousand-year-old eggs.
[x] You have eaten moon cakes before
Total: 3
[x] If you don't live at home, whenyour parents call, they ask you ifyou've eaten, even if it's midnight.
[x] You email/msn your Chinese friends, even though you're only 10feet apart.
[ ] You can read traditional chinese
[x] Your toothpaste tubes are allsqueezed paper-thin before they arethrown away.
[x] You know what pearl milk teas are.
Total: 4
[x] You bring fruit with you as a giftwhen you visit people's homes.
[x] You have acquired a taste forbitter melon.
[x] You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of food on the table.[x] Your parents argue with other adults over the dinner bill.
[ ] You love to use coupons.
Total: 4
Now add the numbers up and multiply itby 4.
i am _72_% Chinese
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Blood Diamond
Reached KLCC and went to get tickets for the movie. As i was walking towards the ticket counter, i bumped into my ex-classmate from Miri! I haven't seen him since Primary 5 and it was totally a shock to see him. He was also shocked that i still could recognise him even after 10 years? I still can remember his full name, David Ting Ming Yee! cool eh....
and so.....Blood Diamond is a good show, you guys should go watch it....But remember, please don't bring your kids. Its very gruesome and bloody, totally not suitable for kids to watch... it even grossed me out!
Leonardo was good and has matured loads since Titanic! His versitily in acting is one that i admire! The movie had loads of violence but had a bit of soft touch to it in terms of love, both between family, and between 2 people who found love unexpectedly!
The movie is about how diamond is smuggled out of Africa thru the torture and killings of their own people. How kids were exploited into killers are just too heart-breaking. The kids were brain washed to believe that everyone is against them and those against then should die! This group of people are called the RUF (a terrorist group formed in the 1980s in Sierra Leone and they seek to overthrow the government and gain control of the diamond producing regions. They are also responsible for attacks on civilians and children, widespread torture and murder and using children to commit atrocities and sponsored by the president of Liberia), Revolutionary United Front.
At least the show ended where one sacrifices his own life for the reunion of a family. Touching at very heart-warming despite what the people who were victimized suffered worse that one could imagine!
Go watch this movie!! and by the end of the movie, you'll make sure the next diamond you buy, may it be a ring, a pendant or just a simple diamond, be a conflict-free diamond!!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The KTM train... what can i say about it?
Reached the station and there was a queue at the ticket counter, they were working so bloody slow that i missed the train... but anyway, that wasn't so bad lar...
Got on the next train, reached the next station, Batang Benar. It stopped there for awhile, then the announcement came -" Tren ini akan berhenti untuk sementara waktu kerana lampu isyarat di stesen Bangi mengalami masalah." I was telling myself "chill, don't worry, still got plenty of time!". After 10 minutes or so, the train started moving...PHEW..and it was catching up speed...yes!
Everything was fine until we reached Serdang Station. Picked up the passengers and there and then everything went bad! We started going backwards! Everyone on the train went blur and didn't know what the hell was going on! and still we were going backwards! At that time, I was already irritated! 2 times in a row, how unlucky the day must be for me!! "Tren ini akan berhenti untuk sementara waktu kerana tren di stesen Bandar Tasik Selatan mengalami kerosakan." ARGH!!!!!! Can anything be worse than that? and i was rushing for time because i already made plans with William to watch movie at 11.15am and we were suppose to meet at 10.30am. It was already 10 plus when the train started moving. Was stranded there for about 15-20 minutes in the stuffy train (the crowd grew from no one to sardine can)!
Managed to reach Midvalley only at about 10.45. Decided not to watch the 1115 movie because it was too risking with time. So chose to catch the 1.40pm movie! Had loads to time to kill so had lunch, did some shopping!! I guess the shopping made me forget how unlucky i was before!!! WAKAKA...sorry will, for dragging you along everywhere!!!!
so i guess there was both good and bad that happened today... But am i contented? YES....am I broke? YES!!
and oh ya! Will, Your piercing looks cool on you!! I'm sure it will give you very exciting experiences!!!! *naughty naughty*
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It isn't have the semester yet and i'm already wishing for a holiday!!
I need a break!!! wakakakakakakaka!!!
and i wanna go shopping for CNY clothes!!! say bye bye to money in advance!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Colour Pencils
My colour pencils are stored in a small pencil case. They are a collection of colour pencils ever since god knows when! Seriously, they are inherited from my sister, my brother and some of my own. The pencils are used till it is so short that at the site of it, you’ll laugh you heads off! If I showed my collection to a small kid like my niece, I’m quite sure that she will tell me that hers is a lot better.
All these colour pencils are at least 10 years old and since that I don’t use them as often as I used to when I was a kid, so it is no point getting one whole new set again. I’m sure I have so many colours that I can compete with those 46 colour pencil set!
Look what's inside!
My whole set of colouring pencils
Saturday, January 06, 2007
At first, we all were thinking the same....It's a word that my niece, Jia Wen created today. The whole day, she went on "Samamengmengyo! Samamengmengyo!"
So we asked her what it meant. At first, she wanted to play with my mum, so she said that it meant "play with her". Then when her father disturbed her, she shouted "samamengmengyo! samamengmengyo!".. so now it meant "don't disturb me"..
Later in the afternoon, after I came back from class, she wanted me to keep her toys so she went on "samamengmengyo!samamengmengyo!". So I ask her "what does "samamengmengyo" mean?"...and she reply "keep"
Its hilarious to see that she uses it to her conveniece!
Samamengmengyo to all of you!!! (it's up to you what the word means!)
Have a wonderful samamengmengyo, spend it with those you love and samamengmengyo!
Friday, January 05, 2007
New Semester!
GEN 202 - Genetics 2
IMM 201- Immunology
MIC 201- Microbiology
MPW 2153- Moral Education
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New Year's Eve Party in Port Dickson!!
Hot Chicks
Went to one of the guys house to get changed for the beach and left for the beach at about 7. The guys started the fire and got to start bbq-ing at about 9? It was late but we were not hungry because we ate something when we arrived PD.
people bbq-ing and eating
Although we didn’t know the crowd, they made us feel comfortable and soon we got to know them better and started to joke around. Some of the guys even shared some of their love stories! How cute!!! Janu stood out like a sore thumb, being the only Indian there. Hahaha. But I guess she didn’t really feel it as the guys were really friendly!
Fireworks were going off all around. Even though it wasn’t midnight yet, fireworks were everywhere. Some from individuals, some from the hotels nearby. It was unexpected as we were on the beach and thought that it would be a quite beach!
We hung at the beach till about 4am and started to clean up. Reached home so tired and had just enough energy to take a shower. Plopped on the bed and I was dead to the world!
Woke up deprived from sleep and got ready to go for breakfast. The breakfast was bad (no offence to Ah Kang who brought us there) because the service was slow, the place was hot, and the food was bleh!
And with that, we all headed for home! Thanks guys for making this one a memorable one! Hope to see you guys soon! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Holiday Reads
These are the books that i've read during this holiday!! They have certainly kept me entertained for the whole 2 months!
April Fool's Day- Its about the author's son who grew up with Heamophilia and later with AIDS...Its about how he and his family, his lover go through life with it till the last days of his life. Its a good book to read and it makes you feel so lucky to be healthy and without any life-threatening disease! A very touching story about love and life!
Vanishing Acts- As you all know, i read a lot of Jodi Picoult books and this is one of the latest i got. This book is about a women who finds out in her 30s that she was kidnapped by her own father from her mother. She was made to believe that her mother was dead. After almost 30 years of not knowing the whole truth, she is in search of her true identity. Read the synopsis here.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter- This book is about a doctor who deliver his own twins. One is healthy and normal and the other one with down syndrome. He makes a split second decision to give the daughter with down syndrome to a nurse to bring her to an institution. However the nurse runs away from the town with the child and raises the kid on her own. This act done by the doctor haunts him for life as he kept this secret from his own family and those around him! Nice book...looking forward to reading more of Kim Edward's Book!
Happy New Year 2007!
In terms of studies...I'm doing quite well, eventhough my results for last semester was quite bad.
In terms of family... We've got an additional member who came just last month, Ooi Jia Xiang.
In terms of social life... Bolehla, I've got my closest friends around me...that's good enough!!Made tons on new friends too...especially at the very last day of 2006!
So anyway, I pray and hope that this new year will bring me and all those I love everything good and loads and loads of LOVE!! and it goes out to all of you reading this! I really hope that you guys will be blessed with everything good and prosperity!!! May this year bring you HAPPINESS!
I was going through my archives and I looked back on my resolutions that I made for 2006
this was for 2006..
1. Maintain at least a B average for my studies!!!
2. To lose weight.... at least be about 55kg....
3. Be more motivated....and not sit my fat ass doing nothing!!
4. Be grateful, dont take things for granted....
i guess the only thing that i didn't really accomplish was to lose weight! DARN....stupid lar..i blame it all on my genes? hahahah...However, one thing that i was really proud of doing this year was passing my lifeguard exam!! I was really happy about that because in the beginning i really thought that i was not able to do it...BUT i did..so i'm happy!
So now...to make my new year resolutions for 2007!
1. To study hard and get in to a good Uni overseas for my final year!
2. To exercise more ( i dont want to say "to lose weight" cuz that aint gonna happen so easily)
3. Do something useful after finishing in Inti
4. Be kind, be generous, be ME!!!
there...i think that should me good enough for now..i dont expect much...and i do not what to hope to much and be disappointed in the end!
Most of you might know that this coming semester in INTI will be my final semester there and after this i'll be going overseas for my final (third) year. Not sure where i'll be going yet because it all depends on my results and the major that i want to persue in the end! I think that would be the biggest decision that i would have to make this year!
p/s will post pictures of new year's eve when i get enough of rest....slept at 5 and woke up before 9!