Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Spiderman 3 – Managed to catch this movie while I was back in Labuan. The action was good, however it was weird to see Tobey Maguire acting all rascal when he was infected with that black thing. Hair messing and all just doesn’t go with him. He’s a geek to the core when he is not swinging from building to building. The graphics were good with Sandman and all.
Pirates of The Caribbean "The Dead Man's Chest" – The third installment of the series. It was funny with Johnny Depp in action, and to see Orlando Bloom is just “sigh, drool”. If you watched the second one, this 3rd one would satisfy the ending of the second one because the second one ended just “liddat” (which I hated la, imagine if something had happened to me, I’ll go to my grave wondering what happened :P). However, the ending of this 3rd installment was lousy. Why does Orlando Bloom’s character have to be curse? Imagine only seeing your wife once in 10 years! Sigh, what la… I thought that the ending would be “happily ever after” but nah…
Fantastic Four – Rise of the Silver Surfer – Human Torch is smokingly HAWT!!! That’s all I can say about the movie! Hahahaha!!! No no…I don’t think that I’m that shallow eh? Or perhaps I don’t want you guys to think that I’m shallow. So, the movie was okay. It’s nice to see the supposedly bad Silver Surfer, who was trying to destroy the earth, in the end saved the planet earth instead. Victor Von Doom was also (still) the villain in the movie, but this time, they managed to destroy him (right? Kinda forgot already).
The Simpsons – Down right funny this one. I am not a die hard Simpsons fan, I occasionally watch it if I just so happen to tune in to it on TV and there is nothing else to watch. This show was stupidly funny. You should definitely go watch it if you want a laugh. I know one person that won’t be watching it would be my mom who can’t stand the cartoon, right ma?
Rush Hour 3 - Watched this movie with my 5th aunty. As you may already expect from a Jackie Chan movie, it’s all action. It’s funny to see Jackie Chan speak English with his Chinese accent. He has already been making Hollywood movies for so long and yet his English still remains the same. Chris Tucker in the other hand can be a little annoying with the high pitch voice of his, but I guess the movie wouldn’t be that nice without him. They make a great pair and as usual they get the bad guys. Nothing too shocking about that! :P
In Pursuit of Happyness – Watched this on DVD the other day at home. Its an inspiring movie acted by Will Smith. He plays a homeless man with a son (played by his very own real life son). It shows how determination will get you places. I know that after watching this movie, I’m suppose to be all positive and determined. But you know lar….macam nothing only…:P bad right? I know I need to appreciate the opportunities I have, had or will have. Like that I’m able to go overseas to continue my degree, which I’m grateful to my parents for allowing me to do it. Some people don’t have such opportunity and I shall work hard. Sounds cliché and all, but it is true!!!
Devil Wears Prada – Hahaha… I know, it way long time ago when this show came out but I never got the chance to watch it when it came out, so I watched it at my aunt’s place the other day when I was staying there for the week. It was a show with no story line, just more of a parade of nice clothes. It was nice to see the girl who has no fashion sense turn into the a fashion diva but other than that the show was crap la…
You may have noticed that there are 2 movies that is the summer must-watch which are not in this list. They are Harry Potter and Transformers. Yes, I have not watched them yet but I want to, but no buddy to teman me because everyone has already seen them!
I went to a play the other day with my 3rd aunt and her friends at the KL Performing Art Center (KL PAC). I have not been there before and was looking forward to it. I was impressed with the whole environment. In my head, it would be something like just a building with a few theatre halls inside. But I was totally wrong. It had this whole glass architecture style, very modern and it is a whole gigantic place, with few buildings and all. The show that I went to watch was “Enemy of the People” directed by Joanna Bessey (local actress). It was a play about a doctor/scientist who discovered that the water system in their town is contaminated, and since that they have a spring that was a tourist attraction, the authorities decides to cover up and try to silence the doctor. The mayor of the town happens to be the doctor’s brother and it becomes a fight between 2 brothers. It is a play that provokes the thought that “majority is not always right” as the town go against the doctor as they are told that if the town council were to change the water system, they will tax the people for it. With that, everyone goes against the doctor to avoid additional tax. The actors are really good and you can see that they are really dedicated to what they are doing. You may see some familiar faces that you see on Malaysian television.
Movies that I watch are Harry Potter, Transformers, Ratatouille…..and many many more!
Wah…I just heard that there will be Shrek 4 and 5!!!! Wow…..Shrek 3 also not yet watch!!!
Outing with the girls!
Actually we decided to go to Sunway Lagoon on Saturday;, however, we didn’t go due to the laziness of getting up early, the cloudiness in the sky. So, we stayed in at Janu’s place, called for McD’s and Pizza Hut. It was nice to stay in; at least Janu was able to get some of her work done before going out for the night. Since we decided not to go Sunway Lagoon, we decided to go clubbing instead.
We didn’t exactly decide where to go clubbing with but we knew that we were going to Heritage Row in KL, since Janu’s brother was heading that way too. When we reached there, it was still early (9.30 for clubbing standard is VERY early!) and tagged along Janu’s brother, Satish in to Bar Savahn since he was meeting his friends there.
Once there, we got stuck there. Too lazy to go find some other club and since we already had a table to ourselves, we decided to stay on. People started to come in about 10.30/11 pm and the music was getting there. Satish’s friends arrived and he asked us to stay on cuz he wasn’t going to let us girls be alone, knowing that there were some weird guys around. We didn’t feel too great crashing Satish’s friend’s party (bachelorette party) but we just stood at the bar which was not too far from where he could keep his eyes on us kids( hahaha....he still think we are 14 years old dancing to Britney Spears)

The night was young and it was going to be a really great night. With great music in the air and with my girlfriends, I was having tonnes of fun! Danced the whole night through even though being bugged by a few unwanted guys. There was this old guy who was trying to hit on Janu and it was totally grossed. That fella already had a girl with him but I guess he was being greedy and wanted more. Then came 2 younger guys, there were not too bad...since they complimented how Era and I danced and even thought that Era was a Chinese. He said that usually Chinese don’t really dance and they don’t get the beat. I told him “don’t worry, I’ve got the beat”...Hahaha
Funny things happened that night, but I don’t want to announced it to the world, so those who were there that night (Era, Janu and Satish), you know what happened ya? I know Janu will be teased by Satish for another week huh?? By the way, thanks Satish for so called baby-sitting us for the night, we felt safe with you around!

Woke up the next day (Sunday) at 12, had lunch and we went our separate ways. This weekend was supposed to be my farewell weekend, but we are thinking of another weekend together. Can’t imagine one year without my girls lar!!!!

You girls mean a lot of me, and I totally mean it! I appreciate our friendship and I hope that when we are all wrinkled-up , in our 70’s we are all still this tight!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Gwen Stefani's Concert!
Arrived the Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium at around 7.30pm and met up with my sister who came from Nilai ( I in PJ for the week to house-sit my Aunts place). The queue outside was really really long, however we manage to get in quite easily. The lines where split into 2, males and female. The female queue was so long that my sister and I went up to the guy's lane to check and see whats happening cuz at first we didnt know that it was split to 2. The guy there then said that this is a guys lane and the security is a guy. Both of us were like " Haiya, nevermind lar, we dont mind a guy searching us". So we went through the line without any hassle.
Got in and searched for our seats. Boy were we happy to find that our seats were so near the stage! it was at the side of the stage which was real good and another thumbs up was that the big screen was just next to us!
The show started about 9pm. She came out with her Harajuku dancers in their cute, funky outfits. Even the costumes themselves were so interesting (although she had to modify them to comply to the rules that was given to her). She started the show with Sweet Escape!! I tell you, the crowd were wild!!! Her performance was awesome!!! It was worth spending RM257 for the tickets!
It was also interesting to see the crowd. You could see grandmothers there, really really young children (damn lucky huh), from different backgrounds! There were also a few groups of people who wore the black and white stripes outfits that were inspired by her sweet escape video!
From her concert, you can see that she is a very humble person. She came down from the stage and went to the other side of the stadium to sing so that those who were too far from the stage could get a glimpse of the "real" her. It was really nice of her to do that!
All in all, it was an amazing night being able to catch Gwen LIVE was COOL!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Way to go Cynthia!!!!

Today is her graduation from USM with her degree in Geophysics! She is the FIRST one in the gang to graduate!! I think the next would be Nana or Carmen eh??
Love you Cyn and hope that the working life will treat you kind!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
St. Anne Reunion
This are the pictures during the reunion!!!! It was fun going back to school again and meeting up with old friends and teachers. The school has change a lot since I left and that was only about 5 years ago. Imagine those that left like donkey years ago like my sister must be like " this school is different". Eventhought different, it still remains the same.
My friends and I went back to school and went back to our form 5 class. we sat at our original place and took pictures
That night, we had the dinner. It was fun seeing everyone dress up and seeing everyone who i have not seen in years!
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!
Janu and I before the reunion dinner
Fashion Show - was going for the sporty look
Dancing the Thriller by Michael Jackson
Friday, August 10, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday DADDY!!
This is to wish my dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love you very much and gonna miss you when i go over to UK!! Dont worry too much okay???
You've have been such a wonderful father and I love you very much
After that, i headed straight to the British High Commission to summit my application. From now on, we do not have to go to the British High Commission, but to the MCA building along Jalan Ampang to summit the application. I was there about 2 and half hours just to summit the application. They really work real slow there, one application takes about like 15 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer when the applicant misses out documents! Well, after i summitted mine, i was so hungry cuz i didnt eat lunch before that.... So once arrived back at my aunts place, i called for McD!!!yum yum
So yesterday, i went to collect my passport. In the morning, i called the British High Commission to see whether my visa was ready for collection, the lady said yes but she could not tell whether it was accepted of rejected. So the whole day, i wasn't feeling too great. Imagine i get rejected??? all the money spent into it....would really make me cry there and then!!!
So, to make the long story short, I GOT IT!!.now i can sleep peacefully!!!! So yes, i can confirm that im going to UK to study lar.... now left is my flight ticket which i havent paid yet.....
Yay!! Im still at my aunt's place, and will get back to my sister's place soon.... see ya then!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Back in KL
While I'm here, i plan to go do my visa stuff. Will only start tomorrow because the lady that is incharge is not in the office today and will only be in tomorrow. She better be there tomorrow. I really want to get this things over and done with so that i will have peaceful sleep at nights!
I will return to my sisters place when i'm well and most probably it will be on Thursday and i hope that by then, everything will be done!!!!
Will blog later la.....more to blog about my home, Labuan and what happened there, together with photos when i get back home to my sister's place!