Do blame it on the heat that I have not updated this blog........
Yes people who don't already know....I am back in Malaysia....the humid and hot country that I call home. I haven't been back in 2 and half years and it feels weird. It doesn't seem very long but the heat is something that I don't miss at all. Coming home to familiarity seems strange after being away for a while, as what was home for my 2 and half years seemed familiar to me.
Being back for Chinese New Year was good. being able to meet everyone all at once was great on top of all the ANG POW? 2 years without ang pow was a great lost, financially...:P It was definitely a good welcome filled with celebration and of course the FOOD. YUMMYlicious food left right and centre for the whole week was just sinfully good.
Now being back in Labuan, the place where I grew up seems very small. Never actually realised that everything was literally 5 minutes away. Dont know why when I was staying here before Layang-Layangan felt so far, but in reality it was just 10 minutes away....straight to sunset. Maybe because everyone here drives REAL slow....
Its amazing that I have actually left this island 6 years ago for college, which sometimes feels odd because sometimes i feel that i have never left at all. Things are exactly the same. Financial Park is still under-occupied and blueberry is still the hangout place. Yes, I have had my milk tea with EXTRA pearl.... It definitely brings backs loads of memories, having countless of gossip and chill-put sessions then when it was the only place decent enough for us to hangout.
Having gone around Labuan (not much but enough), I can definitely see the difference. In terms of kids now, comparing them and us, its a world of a difference. We used to dress up in jeans and a baby-T, now they are all strutting the latest fashion full with make-up. Crazy right? This definitely makes me feel old as only less than a decade I was that age....all innocent...:P
Jobless is what I am now, but hopefully not for long... Job-hunting is something I do not like but have to do. Having applied for jobs and getting rejection is something I hate. The letter that brings disappointment just discourages whatever enthusiasm I have in search of the perfect job. Sucks isn't it?
Lifes like that I guess.....however cliche it may sound, one needs to suffer before victory comes....
.....or I can have the easy way out.......get a rich man to marry me and we'll live happily ever after!