Saturday, October 24, 2015

Obstacle Course Running

As some of you may already know (based on my Facebook, Instagram updates) that I started obstacle course running a little over a year ago and so far have completed 7 races.

I can say that this is a hobby that I developed to challenge myself. Ever since I started going to the gym almost 2 years ago, I always wanted to know how fit or strong I have become, so to me joining these kinds of races really pushes me to train harder and not just sit around doing nothing. Some of my friends who don't understand why I do these races think I might be addicted to it, which probably am since I can't seem to stop signing up for more races when I tell myself I need to slow down.

Obstacle Running is definitely picking up its popularity here in Malaysia. More and more companies are organizing these kinds of races seeing that it makes good money! Viper Challenge is the most popular one so far in Malaysia being able to dish out about 4 races a year. Mid of this year, another great competitor stepped in - The world class Reebok's Spartan Race. The hype of it went crazy. Everyone was excited (I guess everyone I mean those into the obstacle running people). The build up to the event was amazing. The respond is so good that the moment one event ended, registration for the next one opened (which is in March, and Yes, I already signed up for it)

Another big competitor that is still not here yet is Tough Mudder. I first heard about obstacle running from a good friend who wanted to do Tough Mudder in Australia and since then I was intrigued and when I chanced upon Viper Challenge last year I got hooked. I am pretty sure that Tough Mudder will be here soon...just you wait and see.

I am also glad that I have a group of friends to do it with as I feel if I were to do this alone, I would have not lasted this long. The group that I am with are also hella passionate about this (definitely more than me) about it and that is what pushes me. They are also a very fit bunch which sometimes make me feel like I'm the weakest link which then makes me wanna push myself even harder. #teamrealsteel FTW!

I intend to start of my blog again (which I have said so many times but fail), since I have my new laptop that doesn't lag or bail on me. I also am thinking of revamping my blog, putting in more things like "what to pack for obstacle running", "what I pack in my toiletries" kinda post and since that I am a teacher, I might post things related to that? What say you?

Anyway, have a good Saturday peoples!!