Friday, January 20, 2006


I didn't do much this week, but i feel so tired and so lazy. I don't know if it is because chinese new year is coming and i'm already in the mood or what, but i'm so tired...

Being that time of the month too, i get tired very easily. My legs are like they have been walking forever. Sigh Sigh....

I really hope to get my stamina back. I've enrolled myself in the lifeguard training and i really hope to put my full commitment to it. Gain stamina and HOPEFULLY lose some weight!!! I've heard from friends that the training to be a lifeguard is not easy, and it is not a sure thing that i'll be a lifeguard after this... The exams are quite tough. My friend, a guy says its tough for him.....for me, a girl with no stamina.......?????? So pray for me yeah?? hahaha

I'm glad that it's Friday and that my mom is arriving in the afternoon( now is already pass 12). The weekend is here and i'm hoping to rest as much as i can but not forgetting my assignments and lab reports. Due dates are killing me softly!!!!

Anyway, i think i better go get some rest now....Hopefully i'll feel much better tomorrow(i mean today). Even though i still have to wake up at 6.30 am...i'm hoping that "tomorrow" will be a good one....lots of laughter, checking out HAWT guys on campus.....tsk tsk.....i saw 2 today...*drools*


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