Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I guess I wont be going to Kelantan anytime soon!

You think that by fining sexy women will lower the rate of rape cases??

If a psycho guy wanna rape, no matter what the women is wearing...he'll just do it!!

And when you enforce that all muslims should wear tudung in work places, you'll just creat hypocrites!! They wear tudung to work...and the moment they step out of their work space...the tudung is off... i mean isn't that worse!!!! Wearing tudung is something personal and not something you force people to do!

"The offending clothes include tight fitting blouses, jeans, shorts and
mini-skirts, according to the new ruling."

SOOO, this means the shops in Kelantan can only sell clothes like baggy pants, big baggy T-shirts, baju kurung?? No point opening and fashion boutiques and stuff like that...nobody can buy....and i think soon...the authorities will come get you too...for encouraging people to dress "sexily"....

I just find it plain stupid for imposing such fines...

*3/4 of my wardrobe would have to go down the drain!


Anonymous said...

We wear uniforms to school.
Some of us wear uniforms to work.
Because we are told to wear them
by the school, by our employer.

Would you think,
" who are these people to ask us to wear uniforms ? Where's my right to free dressing ? "

Hell, you won't. Would you ?
( In your heart, maybe. )

But by your logic,
are we all hypocrites for taking them off after work ? After school ?

If so, surely you must be one of them.

You see,
the reason behind this is not as easy as flipping the pages from The Star newspaper.

To understand, you should instead go to Kelantan ! Only then you will perhaps realise that the World is not that small afterall ....

P/s :
Do you know, the biggest reclining Buddha statue in Malaysia (said to be in SouthEast Asia too ! ) is located in Kelantan ?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment!

I agree that somehow or another that we are all hypocrites...

All i'm talking here is about a person's right to practice his/her own religion. If a person doesn't wear a tudung, its her right... and she shouldn't be questioned about it...

Enforcing something that is personal like religious matter is just no use...Wearing a tudung is something praying 5 times a day...If someone forces you to do it...It wouldn't be sincere at all and you are just doing because you can be fined for not doing so...

Anonymous said...

i think that the more u try to control people by forcing them to abide by rules, the more theyll want to break it. if ure not ready, ure not ready. i agree w May, its simply a matter of each individual's faith. it cant be forced.

Unknown said...

Thanks Era for the support!!