These are a few pics of my trip to Barcelona with my friends!!!!
The metra station near our hostel
After breakfast, ready for the day
Beautiful buildings
Yours truly
Enjoying Spanish ice-cream
Park Guell
Group Shot
Lenz and I
Lovely setting!
Hot chicks :P
Magic fountain i think
Group of the DSCAU Sept '05
Public bicycles!
Trying to fly!So sad that it was under construction!
Too tired to stand..needed this huggable dude to help me stand
After dinner, going back to hostel...and rest for the flight the next day!
These are not the only pictures but there are too many to put on enjoy!!! hugs hugs...
wah you can jump ah!
OH OF COURSE!!!! its so nice to be able to capture a jump!
Really nice pictures.
I also have been to Barcelona. I went to Barcelona with two friends friend for 4 nights and 4 days at the end of May 2006. This was a nice time of year to visit as the weather was hot and sunny, but not overbearing.
We were lucky cause among plenty of wonderful hotels in Barcelona we chose one that was in the Raval area, about 5-7 minutes walk from the Ramblas.
I fell in love with Barcelona and it's beautiful architecture, there is so much to see and could have stayed for longer, however, you can get to see a lot in a day as it is not that big and is easy to get around.
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