On Friday the 30th of May, I sat for my last exams!!! If all goes well...that paper would be the last of my degree....can't believe all this happened so quickly..i never thought that this day would actually come....i always thought that i would be studying all my life..!!!
Anyway..enough about exams!!!! I need to stop worrying, so i'll try to stop now by not talking about it!!!
Friday night was our graduation ball...I personally wasn't expecting it to be very grand but it was just a chance to dress up. being science students, all we wear to classes are just jeans, trainers and t-shirt.....going into the lab is not a place where you'd wanna dress up...
So, did my own hair, my own make up, did make up for Wen Ying and got ready!!! Took the cab there and we saw everyone so nicely dress..i was scared that we were overly dressed but when we reached...we saw girls in gowns and things like that...so we went like "phew"... chilled and waited for everyone to come.......took loads of pictures!!! and it was fun!!! the food that night was not too bad....the started was this salmon thingy which was really nice..i really liked it..but it made me miss sushi a lot...i guess there's one thing to do when i go back to Malaysia (dunno when that is though). the main meal was a choice of steak, chicken and a vege something.....i had the steak and it was not too bad...
They had a band playing after the desserts were serve which was nice, they played really nice music but not many people gave response....which was kinda sad....i mean i was one of them lar...but if there were more people on the dance floor..im sure id join in!!
So after that, we headed into town, to this pub called ttonic (yes, thats spelled with double t and not a typo). its where my classmate works part time so got to meet some of her friends that were bartending there...after that, hopped to another pub, Paddy wacks to meet up with some of her other friends. it was nice to get to know some other people and we met up with our lab assistant there....it was nice chillaxing with them ...worrying about nothing !!
But we were too tired so after leaving paddy wacks, they wanted to go back to ttonic, but i decided to go back home....too tired already.......
so home we went , showered and plopped into bed!!!
anyway...enjoy the pics lar....lazy wanna cakap more...hugs!
Chee Cheong and I
Settling down in our sits
Us Girls
In ttonic
In Paddywacks
Yours truly
Wenying and CheeCheong
you look soo pretttttyyyyyy.
weh damn la weh, whats this about u going back early cos ure too tired and not continuing to party?? what happened to footloose may?
congrats on finishing the last of the last paper! im next!
hahahaha...i really was tired..and my friend wenying and chee cheong were tired too...didnt want to drag them to clubbing....they are not the clubbing type..so like that lo
and didnt sleep for days already
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