I won't go into how looooooooong I haven't blogged....So let's start with what I found online today.
It is an online badge-collecting community that allows you to virtually or physically collect badges. It is more of a sharing of real-life experiences. They have just started this year so there are not many badges to collect yet. But it will be easier to start as I can talk about some of the real-life experiences based on the badge. Here goes..................
Mountain-Climbing Badge |
Mt. Kinabalu (2001) - Did this when I was in Form 4. Probably one of the proudest moments of my life to have reached the top. Eventhough I came down walking like a duck for about a week, it was definitely one that put my physical fitness to the test. Did it with my dad and a few family friends and I can safely said "I climbed the highest mountain in South East Asia"
Sunrise Badge |
Probably a few times which I cannot really remember when exactly, but I guess the best was when I was on the top of Mt. Kinabalu. While feeling so tired climbing the last stretch of the mountain, the sun begin to rise above the horizon was definitely took the icing! Beautiful scenery, with clean crisp (maybe a little lack of oxygen) air, it was a moment to cherish!
Driving Badge |
I was one of the last ones of my friends in school to get my drivers license. Somehow, while everyone couldn't wait to drive, I took my own sweet time. I only started my pursue of my drivers license in Upper Form 6 (when everyone were taking it in Form 5). I don't really know why I wasn't in a rush but all I remember was that it was my parents who were the ones who started ask "Eh, you don't want to take driver's license ah?". Only then did I start. I guess they got bored of picking and sending me everywhere ...haha... Anyway, when I got it, I was excited to drive, but now after almost 9 years of driving already, I can safely say I rather be chauffeured.
Taj Mahal Badge |
Visited the Taj Mahal in 2003 while I was volunteering at the Baha'i House of Worship, New Delhi (maybe they should have a badge for that). We took the early train from Delhi to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal and the Red Ford. My first impression of the Taj Mahal was that it was very beautifully built for the name of love! What a gesture! However before entering the Taj Mahal, I remember feeling "this better be good" because of the crazily priced entrance fee that they impose on foreigners! I remember it being about maybe RM50-60 but if you are an Indian national, it was like RM 2! Anyway, it was something to see. I know if I didn't pay to see, I'd regret it and everyone back home will go " You went to India and didn't see the Taj Mahal, baik no need to go!"
Parade Badge |
I don't know if you consider being in the marching troupe part of being in a parade but it was what I did almost every year while I was in highschool. Wasn't the coolest thing to do but I did it. Marching under the hot sun wasn't the best. If you look back at my highschool photos, I definitely wasn't snow white ( I'm still not).
Bungee Jump Badge |
Did this last year with friends for Era's birthday! It has been something that I have always wanted to do and so since we have one mini one here at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, why not? It was only about 25 meters high but standing at the edge was something new. Although you know that there is a bungee cord holding you, knowing that you are about to free fall for a few seconds is definitely something that will make you question yourself "What the F*** am I doing?". After the experience, I have only one advice/tip for you should you want to do this too.....DON'T THINK, JUST JUMP!
Archery Badge |
Did archery for fun while I was back in highschool. Competed in a few competition organized by my dad's company, won a few vouchers but overall I still suck at it.
Picnic Badge |
This is something my family and a few friends used to do when I was still in school in Labuan. This was a weekly affair we took advantage of being that we stayed on an island. I guess this one of the things you treasure when you have been living in a big city for so many years. This is what I feel children in big cities are missing out on: quality time by the beach! ;p
CPR badge |
I don't know if I qualify for this badge or not. I have not saved a life using CPR before but have taken a CPR/life saving course before when I was going throught my Lifeguard certification. By now it would have expired. So I guess, this badge was valid one point in time but now I have to keep it away.
Tree-planting Badge |
If I didn't this badge on the website, I would have totally forgotten this experience my friends and I had when we were in high school. We were creating a Malaysian record for planting the most trees in a period of time. Wow, somehow memories get lost in my mind and it definitely needs some jolting!
Eiffel Tower Badge |
2007 was the year I met the iconic tower. Didn't manage to go up since the queue was crazy but nonetheless, very beautiful. Somehow it gives of this very romantic feeling, maybe its just the whole Paris that just gives you the impression that everything is romantic.....NOW I remember why...its the language! French language is so SEXY.
Swimming Badge |
If you know me well enough, you'll know me and my history with swimming, 'nuff said.
Fishing Badge |
This is also one thing I used to do when I was in Labuan. Hsei Di used to live near this small lake when we were young and once in a while we would go fishing, but would find it kinda boring so we would leave the fishing rod at the lake probably buried half way and come back later after we have had enough time to play other stuff. Hehe, well at least I can say that I have fished before.
Big Ben Badge |
Another iconic structure when I visited London a few times when I was living in the UK. Fun fact: Did you know that it's the bell inside that is called Big Ben and not the structure? Now you know! The name of the structure? Go google it yourself, I am no google.
Anyway, I guess this is it for now. There are more badges but I am getting tired of writing already so I shall blog later ( maybe later this afternoon if I feel like it). It was definitely fun writing this post as it brought back lots of memories, memories that otherwise have been forgotten. Maybe you would like to give this a go? Go check out
Have an awesome Saturday people!
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