Friday, February 25, 2005

Intercalary Day

Woke up today at around 9.30. Had breakfast in front of the computer and after that had to do the laundry(our washing machine at home has broken down, so everything is manual until dad gets a new washing machine or until the old one returns from the workshop). Took my shower after that and sat in front of the TV practically the whole day, watched Oprah and Outback Jack. Today's Oprah was about "Supernanny", dealing with our of control kids....after seeing this, made me think..."haiyo, taking care of kids really hard eh......" Salute to my mom for taking such good care of us, loving us, and bringing us up well!!!Love you, Ma!!

In the evening, we went to Aunty Pushfa's place for a portluck dinner to celebrate the Baha'i Intercalary Day. We had some exchange of gifts...and dinner was great!!all kinds of curry...yummy!!!

Tomorrow's plan is to go to the Family Day organized by Shell SSRC. but just now Kay York just called saying that there is a seminar in school about some Russian university talking about medicine, still not sure if i am going for it...mum wants me to go...but see first lar..if i can wake up!!hehehehe.......

till the next blog......take care!

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