Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese New Year Family Picture Posted by Picasa


Despite losing RM 100 to has been good chinese new year.....

Ang Pow and Family have been surrounding this new year....Its has only been the second day and there is another 13 days to go till the end of the Chinese New Year...

Will be going to my Aunts place at Templer's park tomorrow....another gathering....:P

will post pictures as soon as possible!! theres a few already..will get somemore from cousins...

Anyway...i think thats about it......cheers...GONG XI FA CAI

Monday, January 23, 2006

I'm in Pain

Today was the first day of training for Lifeaguard....

  • jog 8 rounds around the pool
  • stretchings( sit up, push up..etc.etc...)
  • 200 meters swim
  • <> 10 laps sprint (width)
  • 1 set of breast stroke, one-hand stroke, back stroke, and freestyle, with intervals of push-ups and sit ups

AND I AM IN PAIN NOW!!!!!!!*rub*rub* counter pain*

i wonder what will happen to me tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! You are now 2 years old...time has flown by since the day you were born. You are such an angel (sometimes a little naughty, tsk tsk).

Ee Ee loves you!!!!!

Be good and Stay Cute!!!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006


I didn't do much this week, but i feel so tired and so lazy. I don't know if it is because chinese new year is coming and i'm already in the mood or what, but i'm so tired...

Being that time of the month too, i get tired very easily. My legs are like they have been walking forever. Sigh Sigh....

I really hope to get my stamina back. I've enrolled myself in the lifeguard training and i really hope to put my full commitment to it. Gain stamina and HOPEFULLY lose some weight!!! I've heard from friends that the training to be a lifeguard is not easy, and it is not a sure thing that i'll be a lifeguard after this... The exams are quite tough. My friend, a guy says its tough for him.....for me, a girl with no stamina.......?????? So pray for me yeah?? hahaha

I'm glad that it's Friday and that my mom is arriving in the afternoon( now is already pass 12). The weekend is here and i'm hoping to rest as much as i can but not forgetting my assignments and lab reports. Due dates are killing me softly!!!!

Anyway, i think i better go get some rest now....Hopefully i'll feel much better tomorrow(i mean today). Even though i still have to wake up at 6.30 am...i'm hoping that "tomorrow" will be a good one....lots of laughter, checking out HAWT guys on campus.....tsk tsk.....i saw 2 today...*drools*


Monday, January 16, 2006

Useless, Ignorant people!!!

Today i got hold of a 'MY KAD" reader and was able to check the information in the chip. Ever since my mum called me up telling me that according to her's and my dad's MY KAD, their religion is Sikhism.

So, i really wanted to go check mine so that the same stupid error doesn't occur. But today, it is comfirmed that i am a Sikh!

This is really stupid and absurb!!! The people at the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara really do not have brains! They just randomly enter in a religion, and they dont consider looking at the name whether its a chinese name. Is my name Szue May Kaur?

This not only happened to me and my parents. I know a friend who are chinese buddhist and in his MY KAD, its hindu!!! Damn frustrating lar!!!!

Anyway, go get your MY KAD checked. I'll go change mine as soon i can!!

Books i read over the holiday... Posted by Picasa

The books i read during my holiday

I read 3 books during my holiday. 2 by Jodi Picoult and 1 from Sidney Sheldon.

Salem Falls and My Sister's Keeper are really nice and heart-warming (i cried in the end of My Sister's Keeper).

Whereas with Sidney Sheldon's The Naked Face, it was more of a story about murder, suspence those kinda thing. So its a totally different kinda genre compared to Jodi Picoult's book..

Look forward to reading more of Jodi Picoult's books in the future.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

College Life

College started 2 weeks ago and it has been rather slow. The first week...we didnt do much, no lab classes, mostly introduction to our subjects.

So far, couple of our lecturer are really crapy. I do not want to mention any names or i might get into trouble... One of them, i think is a fresh grad, can't really teach and she is going like there is no tomorrow...on top of that, her notes suck. Notes that cannot consider as notes...its more of a summary of what the whole chapter is about...

Last semester, We had a very wonderful Biology lecturer. I miss him dearly!!! His notes were so useful, and he was such a helpful lecturer. Its sad that he has left for Australia to do his PhD!
" Sir, come back soon!!! I sure everyone misses you!!!!"

Homework has started coming in this week. I've got 2 Lab reports to do, and i know i have one more coming tomorrow. Assignments are also coming in next week... The lecturers said that there will be a quiz/test after the CNY break. Sad that i can't enjoy to the MAXX during the break...

Anyway, i think thats about it..nothing that exciting to talk about since i have been in college the whole week....whats so exciting about that????

Monday, January 09, 2006

This was meant to be a Christmas Post....delayed

I got this from my friend and thought of it being really nice.

These are qoutes from the Baha'i faith about Jesus for His birthday:

When the Messianic star of Jesus Christ dawned, he declared he hadcome to gather together the lost tribes or scattered sheep of Moses. He not only shepherded the flock of Israel, but brought together people of Chaldea,Egypt, Syria, ancient Assyria and Phoenicia.These people were in a state of utmost hostility, thirsting for the blood ofeach other with the ferocity of animals; but His Holiness Jesus Christ brought them together, cemented and united them in his cause and establishedsuch a bond of love among them that enmity and warfare were abandoned.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 22)

His Holiness Jesus Christ was an educator of humanity. Histeachings were altruistic; His bestowal universal. He taught mankind by thepower of the Holy Spirit and not through human agency, for the human power is limited whereas the divine power is illimitable and infinite. Theinfluence and accomplishment of Christ will attest this.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 249)

The Cause of Bahá'u'lláh is the same as the Cause of Christ. It isthe same Temple and the same Foundation. Both of these are spiritual springtimes and seasons of the soul-refreshing awakening and the cause of the renovation of the life of mankind. The spring of this year is the same as the spring of last year. The origins and ends are the same. The sun of today is the sun of yesterday. In the coming of Christ, the divine teachings were given in accordance with the infancy of the human race. The teachings of Bahá'u'lláh have the same basic principles, but are according to the stage of the maturity of the world and the requirements of this illumined age.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 400)

There is also one qoute that i really believe in is this:

" Religion should unite all hearts and cause wars and disputes to vanish from the face of the earth, give birth to spirituality and bring life and light to each heart. If religion becomes the cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act. For it is clear that the purpose of a remedy is to cure; but if the remedy should only aggravate the complaint, it had better be left alone. Any religion which is not a cause of love and unity is no religion.." ~Abdu'l-Baha

Friday, January 06, 2006

funny funny robot...this is the robot i was talking about..i personally saw it KLCC the other when i went out with Jasmeet... Posted by Picasa

Me and My rockstar, Jasmeet! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My day with Jasmeet, my rockstar =P

After class today, took the KTM to Sentral to meet up with Jasmeet! Timing damn chun lar.....didnt have to wait for him.....yay....hate waiting lar...

I was already so hungry so decided to go eat, and since that Sentral doesnt have much to offer, we headed to Midvalley Megamall for lunch. Ate at the Food Junction, food was alright court food, you know how it is. After lunch, we walked around Midvalley aimlessly, until Jasmeet suggested to go to KLCC. So hopped on the train again...(KTM=midvalley-sentral; LRT=sentral-KLCC). Went to KLCC, wanted to find some bubble tea, but didn't. So we just sat on one of the benches and talked...

We had fun just sitting down and chit-chatting. Felt so comfortable and relaxed!! Haven't seen him in hmm....2 years or something like that lar.....and don't know when i'll be seeing him again after he leaves for the US again........

Left for Sentral at about 5, after getting a little lost in KLCC.... hahahaha... Hopped on the train and now i am sitting at home....tired... but it was worth it lar.

I did something very stupid today too. The shirt that i was suppose to give Jasmeet.....i was sitting nicely in my bag...stupid right???

YOU KNOW WHAT? i saw that made-in-malaysia robot in KLCC today....damn wierd was so big lar........funny funny!!!!

p/s: J, it was nice hanging out with you today..hope to see you soon ya...chill......Thanks for everything!

My Gurls....Carmen, Me, Janu and Hsei Di Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This is damn funny

While i was browsing thru blogs... Something really caught my eye....

Please to go to Kenny Sia's blog to read about it---- Made in Malaysia Robot

It is really funny and kinda disgraceful .........speakers for boobs and monitor as his penis....

damn funny lar

By the way, i'm at college at the moment (lunch break), so cant blog long.....see you around soon..i really hope that you'll laugh your asses off lar.....the creative minds of the Malaysians really inspires me!!!!!!!!Bleh!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year Resolutions...

I think i should write down my new year resolutions lar.....aims and goals that i want to reach this year........I usually dont have any new year goes:

1. Maintain at least a B average for my studies!!!
2. To lose weight.... at least be about 55kg....
3. Be more motivated....and not sit my fat ass doing nothing!!
4. Be grateful, dont take things for granted....

I do not what my list to be too long, cuz i'm not sure if i'll be able to do it.......tambah minyak

Wish me luck and i wish all you luck with your new year's resolutions!!! i'll update you guys when the year is over on whether or not i manage to achieve what i have set out to do!!

I start classes tomorrow....New Semester, New subjects!!!!!
This semester i'm taking 5 subjects:
  • Introduction to Biotechnology
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Chemistry 2
  • Biology of Organisms
  • Molecular and Cell Biology

Hopefully i can handle it.........i know i can if i put my mind to it!!!!!! Pray for me will ya?? hahahahah

Cheers to all of you!!!!!


Sunday, January 01, 2006


To usher in the new year, Janu, Carmen and i arranged to hang out together!!! Decided on Bangsar and a bunch of Carmen's friends came along....Thank God for that..hahaha....Hsei Di also came with us....

The night started quite messed up...we didnt know where to hang or what to do... so we sat down at mamak and chilled la...waited for William and his friend to come join us.... We sat at the mamak until it was almost 12 and we walked to the happening part of Bangsar.... The people there were all so crazy...spraying all those streamers and snowy stuff that sticks on your body and takes forever to come out!!! We all girls were trying to avoid being sprayed..hahahahaha...

New Year came and so did the hugs!!! Hugged everyone and we took pictures!!! The night was turning to be not so bad as it started i was kinda glad....a night with my dear friends are the best lar!!! can't complain lar!!!!!

After hanging there for a while...we headed back home....chill for awhile then headed to Ranveer's place. The guys there were rocking their heads off lar......It was like so loud, guitars playing and all....i pity the neighbours la...

By then, we girls were already tired so thought of heading back home (Carmen's place). Sent Hsei Di home and then we headed to 7-11 to get something to munch ( we didnt eat since lunch and it was already 3 something in the morning)...and that was when the whole drama started lar!!!!

Janu, Carmen and I parked our car in front of 7-11 and then we came we were coming out of the car, I realise that there were these 2 guys in a bronze-colour waja looking at us. At first i thought that there was nothing but then it started to get wierd. So as we were in the shop, Janu realise that there was this guy who came out from the car and then came in the shop....and just walked off again... It was the same guy from that car.

After we bought our stuff and got into the car, that waja car went passed us and parked at a corner... At that moment i knew that something wasnt right lar. As we started to drive off...that car too followed us.... we werent sure if they were really following us, so we took a de-tour. And yes, they were following us...and that was when all 3 of us started to freak out!!!

We stopped the car to see whether they would leave us alone....but when they passed our car...they u-turned back again.... So, we decided to go back to Ranveer's place where a whole bunch of guy-friends were hanging out. It just wasn't safe for us to get down from the car and walk to carmen's apartment!!!! Ranveer came down to get us and we chilled at his place till about 4 something. Ranveer and Daniel followed us back until the apartment which made us fill very safe...Thanks Ran and Daniel!!!

I guess that was the creepiest thing that have ever happened to me lar!!!! and i hope that it doesnt happened again...and i hope that those 2 freaks just go to hell man!!!!

So, i guess that was my new year's eve partying... slept only at about 5+ and woke up at about i'm damn tired now...........zzzzzz......

Thanks to the people i hung out with last guys made it fun and memorable one...Cheers , Happy New Year and have a good one!!!!