Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whitley Bay

Hello, Its Me

Today, a bunch of us went to the beach for some photo taking since a friend of mine just got an SLR camera and wanted to practice.

It was a fun day and the weather was great, comparing it to the days before when it was really sucky...

The whole place was so peaceful yet lively. Watching families together playing on the beach made me miss home and my family. Seeing couples strolling the beach together made me wish i had someone to cuddle. Tourist going around with their back-packs makes you wanna go somewhere. Most importantly, being with friends at that moment just makes you feel friends are important too, and should never take for granted of the bond shared. Definitely stirred loads of emotions!

We walked so much that now even sitting on the sofa blogging, i feel that i'm still walking! Its been a while since i last walked sooo much! its crazy!! but i guess all that walking burnt off all the Fish and Chips I had for lunch.

The famous lighthouse at Whitley Bay

Anyway, will post more pictures once i get them from my friends...

Hugs people and have a good Sunday!

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