Saturday, January 10, 2009

What’s in store for 2009?

It’s been a couple of days since I am came back from London and have been trying to settle down with all the hoo-ha of the christmas and new year celebration. I guess I will just start of with some photos what happened the week before we ushered in the new year. There was the Christmas’ eve party, then came Stella’s birthday and then New year’s eve party. Everything happened so fast that only photos allowed us to sit and cherish every moment that happened!

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That’s like 10% of the photos of the X’mas eve dinner and it definitely was a fun party! We were lucky enough to have 2 santas present at our party and they were definitely 2 jolly santas that manage to entertain all of us! and as always, our parties then to have post-party thing with all the leftovers on Xmas day where we had food and a round of the game Mafia, which have been the “in” thing whenever we get together!

Next came Stella’s birthday. It was a rush party since we were already planning for the Christmas party but everything went on well!

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Since Stella missed home and Malaysia so much, we themed the party around being Malaysian, a few of us dressed in baju kurung and we even had our very own Mat Rempit, all decked-out with a helmet too! Hokkien char was the main dish and that definitely made it all the more Malaysian. It was so much fun and we didn’t even miss out a few rounds of Mafia. We also played a different version of chinese whispers and it was hilarious ( look at what wenying and stella trying to do there at the last couple photos). It was also an emotional party when Stella cried after we made a scrap book of photos from her family wishing her Happy Birthday. With all that emotion, the party was definitely worth it!

The next day was already New year’s eve and we headed over to Shean’s place for a small party. The usual crowd with amazing music made it so much fun and funny. After looking back at the photos, it was truly a memorable one and a great way to usher in the year of the Ox (which is my year)

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We even had the special appearance of Miss Christine and it was sooo funny. playing with the wigs were hilarious. and i must say i think i kinda look good in the afro! Songs from the 90s and before were played to bring back memories and to sing-a-long and dance to! It was so much fun that the party ended only at 5am with a couple of very drunk people. They were funny and funnier when we told them what happened the next day with no such memory of things happening!

Amazing week it was and on the 2nd, I was on my way to London, which will be in another post i suppose being that this post is already super-duper LONG!!! Hope you guys enjoyed the photos as much as I do……funny funny!!

Hugs and Happy New Year! May this year be everything you hope it to be! God Bless and much love!!

1 comment:

eNatasha said...

haha fun pictures! and may, no, u do not look good with the afro! heheh