Friday, June 16, 2006

My report for the day

Title: The post-syndrome of doing laboratory journals

Aims: - to know the effects of doing too much laboratory reports and journals

Methods: You will have to do at least 4 reports a week.

Results: After completing the experiment, i had become somewhat disorientated. I also discovered that i hate doing reports. It is time consuming, energy consuming. It takes away the time i have for fun.

Discussion:- This experiment was done under the pressure of handing it up the next day.
-This experiment showed that doing too much of lab reports will consume a
lot of energy and and time allocated for other more important things.
-Doing lab reports are lame and it makes me a lame person.

Conclusion: After conducting this experiment, It can be said that doing too much lab report can cause a person (me) to have no life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can... !!!!