Sunday, January 06, 2008

Resolutions resolutions

Just read Hsei Di's blog about her past resolutions reminded me that I haven't really gave any thoughts about mine..

I know last years resolutions was
1. To study hard and get in to a good Uni overseas for my final year!
2. To exercise more ( I dont want to say "to lose weight" cuz that aint gonna happen so easily)
3. Do something useful after finishing in Inti
4. Be kind, be generous, be ME!!!

Did I accomplish any of it??

I guess I manage to score well in Inti and I'm now in University of Sunderland. It may not be Oxford or Cambridge, but its well-known for its Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical course which is fine by me! Never expect myself to reach Oxford so I'm Happy....

I definitely exercised more after Inti, going back to Labuan and following my mom to aerobic was good! Dont think I lost weight but it's the "being active" part that made it satisfying. I also help with the dance for the St. Anne's reunion, which was also a good workout... learnt to dance the Thriller by Wacko Jacko was definitely fun! I guess that covered No. 3 of my resolution. Eventhough I didn't find a job while back in Labuan, I helped the Rotary club with their eye-screening project, which definitely gave me something to do.

Be kind, be generous, be Me part......erm...I'M ALWAYS KIND & GENEROUS!!! wahseh!!! wakakkaaka..thick skin me!! Just kidding!!! I guess this is an on-going thing as you can always try be kinder and be more generous!!!


Whats my resolution this year?? I guess this year is will be a tough one, might have to struggle more...... this year would be life changing for me. This year I'll turn 23, definitely can't imagine me in that age!! Some people my age are already married, working and some already mothers. I still can't imagine myself married, what more a mother? This year i have to be making decisions like a grown-up!! Very very SCARY!!

2008 Resolution:
2. Get a Job after I graduate!!!

I guess this year's resolution is just those two! I mean maybe there are those mental notes that I've put in my head, things to do this year....but i guess these 2 stated are the MAIN ones and are the ones that are top priority!!! others like lose weight can wait till I GRADUATE, start earning enough money when I GET A JOB to pay for Marie France??:P


Anonymous said...

hahahah!! that will be so much easier...just pay for marie france, terus langsing like the advertisements!!

Unknown said...

yalah!!! got money anything can do

Anonymous said...

Hi May!
Its been quite come time since i last visited your blog:)

Congratulations for fulfilling your resolution for 2007! :) Come to think of it, I never really had a new year resolution.

To me, if you want to start something,once decision is made, you start right there and then.

But then, having a resolution for the year is not too bad either:) it makes ourselves look forward, and do our best to achieve whatever our resolution is.

and to say to you that i admire your resolution for 2008:) the feeling on your graduation day, with friends and family around, it is just fantastic! And to enter the working world, its just scary, exciting and a totally different new phase! All the best to you my dear for both, I know you can do it:)

hmmm...for this year, I want to be healthier, shed some of the excess of you-know-what as i'm totally turning into a pig if i dont watch what im eating..etc. And of course, get a job that i will enjoy doing :) trust me, you wont like the feeling of being jobless.hehe!

Unknown said...

thanks cyn!!! what you up to now???

i'm totally scared of the life beyond studying!!! I really cant imagine it since i've been studying for a long time...23-6...17 long long years!!! so its is sure daunting!!!