Saturday, October 18, 2008

Visa Approved

Yesterday, the postman came bearing something that I have been waiting for 7 weeks.

My Post-study work permit arrived yesterday and now I am legally allowed to stay in the UK for an extra 2 years! 2 years with the permission to work too! Isn't that great??

Now, all I need now is a JOB to support me!!! Can't stay here without making any money right???

So, wish me luck people! I really need it now!!!!! No money, no FOOD. When there is No food, I will be too weak to give you warm cuddly hugs!!!!!!

Cheers people!


Szuefei said...

YAHOO!!!! yay... so maybe you can come visit me "you know where"!

Unknown said...

yeah pray i get a job..then got money to go visit you!!!!