Saturday, February 18, 2006


A - Age right now?~20 going on 21
B - Birthday?~ 28th November
C - Car(s) you drive?~ Toyota corolla,Honda Accord, Proton Waja, Perodua Kelisa
D - Dog's name?~ No doggy, so no doggy name
E - Easiest person(s) to make you laugh and smile?~ my girl friends
F - Food you eat most?~ since in college, i eat a lot of noodles
G - Any encounter with ghosts?~ nope.....dont plan to..
H - Hungry?~ Yup, no lunch..*sniff*
I - Interesting facts about yourself?~ I'm actually very friendly, though my face might tell u i'm not
J - Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?~ nope
K - Kissing with eyes open or closed?~ closed i think
L - Last time you did something "bad"?~ bad?hmmmm...define bad
M - Most memorable moment you can think of right now?~ Hanging out with my girlfriends
N - Nicknames you have?~ can't think of any at the moment
O - Operations?~ yup..had to get some fat removed!!!
P - Person you last talked to on the phone?~ My neighbour asking me to send him to the airport
Q - Quote that you feel represents you right now:~ if "lazy bum" is a quote then thats it
R - R you allergic to anything?~ not that i know of...
S - Song you last sang out loud?~ Check on it-Beyonce...i love that song!
T - Time you woke up?~9++am
U - U like to sing soft or loud?~ if i'm alone, loud...if theres ppl around me...soft lo
V - Vegetables you hate most?~ none...i love veggies..even bittergourd
W - What are you most afraid of?~ losing family and friends...
X - X bfs/gfs?~ yeah???
Y - Year of born?~ the mighty ox
Z - Zodiac sign?~ the mighty saggitarius

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