Friday, September 07, 2007

Leaving in 7 days

I’m leaving in a week time and getting a little nervous, a little excited. I know I should really be very excited but now I’m feeling a little worried. I think it’s all in the packing. While my mom was here the other day, she helped me pack my bag a bit and now it is almost done, just a little here and there. The thing that gets me nervous is the thought of my luggage going overweight and if I have brought enough things. I sometimes I feel that I don’t need to bring so much yet sometimes I worry that when I get there I’ll start to regret not bringing the things that I need. Feeling of “I should’ve” and “see I told you, you should’ve” later will definitely suck. Some say bring this, some say don’t just confuses me and just puts me out of the mood of packing.

My parents are off to Macau and China for 10 days, and they just left 2 days ago, means that they won’t be sending me off at the airport the day I leave. I know some of you might think that it’s quite sad, but I think it is a better idea so that not much drama will happen there at the airport, plus there’ll be more than 40 students there saying their goodbyes and all, so imagine KLIA packed with students and parents crying their eyes out. I think there will be more than 40 students, because I know that there will be 40 going to University of Sunderland and I think there’ll be more students from a different travel agent and going to different universities.
I can’t believe that I’ll be leaving in a week and I always thought this day would never come, or would come so soon. Just yesterday, I went to collect my air ticket and it really hit me that I’m really going. I guess I can start singing “I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again”...hahaha.

Another thing I’m worried about is also studies. So scared that I’ll be left out or cannot catch up with everyone. I know that I’ll be going into the final year, and going into a subject which I’m quite new at, it’s going to be difficult. So imagine, students who have been there since year one are already familiar with what is happening, they already have their own clicks and you are coming in as a newcomer. Scary eh, luckily I have another friend with me doing the same course, phew!

I should be more positive about going overseas. Be able to appreciate the opportunity that my parents gave me. I know I’ll have to work hard this one year but at the same time, take in the culture and the experience in a new environment. One thing I’m really excited is getting to a new place and learning about people there. Seeing how “different” people say we are and yet still be the same. So I guess that would be exciting to see. Thanks dad and mom for giving me this you guys loads...missing you guys already.

Well, on a lighter side, gave me a farewell gift this morning, not exactly lar because I don't think that I'll be getting the gift before I leave and it is a mystery gift! Hahaha, I won the "Almost 90's at 9" this morning and very happy with myself! thanks to my sis for the phone! hahaha...and yes, my sister did win something too last week! Lucky lucky!!!

Well, I'll update you guys with whats happening with the remaining days in Malaysia whenever I can and definitely keep you guys posted about my life in the GREAT BRITAIN...wakakakaka!

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